Congratulations to our alum Jeanette DeDios for being recognized for her Outstanding Indigenous journalism by the National Native Media Awards!

Jul 7, 2023

Jeanette DeDios picked up six awards in total for her work at KUNM

Radio/Podcast – Excellence in Beat Reporting
1st place
“Celebrating Native American History Month by Highlighting Prominent Native Americans in History” – KUNM

Radio/Podcast – Best News Story
1st place
“Training helps law enforcement identify human trafficking victims” – KUNM

Radio/Podcast – Best Feature Story
1st place
“Indigenous woman tells her story through children’s book ‘Finding My Dance'” – KUNM

2nd place
“IllumiNative is helping to reclaim Indigenous narrative at Santa Fe Indian Market” – KUNM

3rd place
“Exhibit showcases Pueblo pottery through a Native perspective” – KUNM

Multimedia – Best Multimedia
2nd place
“Let’s Talk about the Indian Child Welfare Act” – KUNM

XR Performance Hack-a-thon Poster
XR Performance Hack-a-thon

XR Performance Hack-a-thon

CALL FOR PERFORMERS This performance workshop is part of an initiative to foster intellectual and artistic exchange in XR (extended reality) studies. We invite you to join a three-week workshop, a collaboration between faculty/students in the Art Department and the Department of Film & Digital Arts at UNM.