Film Finance Attorney John Cones joins us for the next Mentor Series this week on Wednesday 3/20 at 5:30pm
Join us on Zoom this Wednesday, as part of our class, The Business and Law of Film & New Media.
Register on Zoom >
With more than 23 years experience in Los Angeles, John Cones is a film finance attorney, author and lecturer working in the broad field of film finance with a focus on the legal work associated with investor-financing of independent entertainment projects (primarily independently produced feature and documentary films) and business start-ups. Film finance legal services include investor financing of independent film; film finance contracts, film finance books, film finance articles, lectures and seminars.
Book: Investor Financing of Independent Film: A Guide for Producers, Attorneys and Film School Lecturers
The Department of Film & Digital Arts Mentor Series was inaugurated to celebrate thirty (plus!) years of film education at UNM. Each semester we invite a distinguished group of alumni and film luminaries to talk to our students and the community about how they found success doing what they love. If you want to work in the digital media fields, this series is a fabulous source of advice and useable strategies. All events are free and open to the public.
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