Jonathan Whetzel

Jon Whetzel is a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. His work in serious games and interactive simulations have been deployed to the US Navy, US Air Force, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Energy. He is the technical lead on the Program for Experimental Gaming for Analysis of Strategic Interaction Scenarios (PEGASIS) at Sandia. which combines video games and data science to explore decision-making for novel national-security situations (
Jon is the co-founder of Quantum Kingdom, a startup that develops online multiplayer video games for assessing interpersonal skills ( Quantum Kingdom was born out of the Berkeley Skydeck Accelerator (
Jon also holds a research appointment with the University of California, Berkeley on applications on machine learning for nuclear security (
Jon is currently living in the San Francisco Bay Area, but still visits his adopted hometown of Albuquerque frequently.