Peter Lisignoli

Professor Peter Lisignoli is a filmmaker and educator, teaching at the University of New Mexico. With interests in both narrative and experimental film, he has produced, shot and edited films for television, theatre, and gallery spaces. With his most recent ventures in narrative film, Peter spends much of his creative energy in the editing room. His most recent finished work, Drifteen (2022) premiered at the Santa Fe Film festival and will be screened at the Los Angeles LGBTQ+ festival. More recently, Peter produced and edited Rabbit Box (2023), which he co-wrote with Director Matthew McDuffie. Over Summer 2023, Peter worked closely with two students as they developed advocacy videos for inmates in juvenile detention facilities. With mentorship in mind, Peter continues to develop new models for faculty-student collaboration.
Peter is a board member of the local non-profit Basement Films where he develops community filmmaking programs, organizes screenings and creates experimental films and video art installations. Peter regularly lecturers at Donnguk University in Seoul, South Korea as a visiting professor for their summer Comparative Global Cinema program.